Hi everyone, this week was crazy! We are really happy with the launch of TakoDefi! after a week we managed to reach more than 300K of TVL on our best day 🚀, we also achieved some goals that drive the project forward, we can highlight the following:
- We got listed on BSC and DappRadar
- We had our first marketing campaign reaching more than 1000 followers on Twitter and more than 900 in our TG group
- We were interviewed in the AMA of BCS_daily you can find it on his TG channel
- Something very important was that our contracts got analyzed and audited by MythX and TechRate, you can read the reports here ✅
- We incorporate some small corrections to the web and we also upload the official documentation
We are very aware that we still have many points to resolve and we assure you that we are doing everything we can to keep the project emerging 🤲, we received many comments concerned about the emission rate of the token and the fluctuation of prices.
It is normal that when a project its starting its price varies a lot, but even so we made the decision as a team to make a reduction on the emission of TAKOs / block.
This will be explained in detail on the next post stay tuned !.
To finish this recap we want to thank our entire community for their intense support from the beginning, we hope to have another week just as great as this one! ☺️
Follow us on all our social networks to keep up with the news! 🐙
Web: https://takodefi.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TakoDeFi
Official TG Group: https://t.me/TakoDeFi
Announcements Channel: https://t.me/TakoDeFiAnn
Price Bot Channel: https://t.me/BinanceRocketTAKO