We have listened to your comments and we believe that our project should be led by the community, we have the faith that it is the best time to take action, therefore we have decided to make some changes regarding the emission of Tako Token.
We want to prioritize the operation and use of TAKO for the long term, that is why in parallel to our current Roadmap we will make the following change:
- We will chop some tentacles to our beloved TAKO, the emission of TAKOs will be progressively reduced to 0.5 / block, this will be done within a period of 2 weeks, making a reduction each week.
This will start from Tuesday April 13th and it will look like this.
Ending on Tuesday April 20th, queued transactions will be posted on our TG group and Twitter. At the end of the two weeks the daily TAKO emission will look like this
- 0.5 TAKO/block
- 14,400 TAKO/day
We hope that these changes allow us to continue developing the project in a better way.
Thank you all!
Follow us on all our social networks to keep up with the news! 🐙
Web: https://takodefi.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TakoDeFi
Official TG Group: https://t.me/TakoDeFi
Announcements Channel: https://t.me/TakoDeFiAnn
Price Bot Channel: https://t.me/BinanceRocketTAKO