We have good news, the first proposal made on⚡ vote.takodefi.com was successful! these were the results:
Our voting system is based on the war-tested Snapshot for now it allows votes with $TAKO and $INKU of the two networks, in the near future we will allow the creation of proposals by the community, remember that voting doesn’t spend your tokens.
We already know the winner, now here comes the surprise 🥳 we said there would be one Bermuda, but this time we will open two! one for each network.
$CYT Bermuda 🔺
- Date: Today August 11th, at 15:30 UTC
- Rewards: $CYT 🔴
- Amount to be distributed: 2650 $CYT 🔴
- Duration Time: 15 Days
- Staking Token: $TAKO 🐙 (BSC)
- Maximum time multiplier: 2x at day 10📈
$BANANA Bermuda 🔺
- Date: Today August 11th, at 15:30 UTC
- Rewards: $BANANA🍌
- Amount to be distributed: 275 $BANANA🍌
- Duration Time: 15 Days
- Staking Token: $INKU 🖤 (Polygon)
- Maximum time multiplier: 2x at day 10📈
Thanks for your participation! See you soon! 💜
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/TakoDeFi
Official TG Group: https://t.me/TakoDeFi
Official TG Spanish Group https://t.me/TakoDefi_ES
Announcements Channel: https://t.me/TakoDeFiAnn
Price Bot Channel: https://t.me/BinanceRocketTAKO