We are proud to announce a new collaboration with a rapidly growing project! 🚀 We joined forces with MarshmallowDefi to bring you a new farm and Bermuda 🔺
From Tuesday May 18 you can stake TAKO-MASH APE LP in our farms to earn $TAKO 🐙 and also a new Bermuda 🔺 is coming with the following details:
- Date: May 18th Tuesday, at 13:00 UTC
- Rewards: TAKO-MASH APE LP 🐙🍬
- Amount to be distributed: 1806 APE LP
- Duration Time: 7 Days
- Staking Token: TAKO 🐙
- Maximum time multiplier: 3x at day 7 📈
They will also be hosting a farm and a Launchpool to earn $TAKO LPs, keep an eye on their social networks ✨🙌🏻
Follow us on all our social networks to keep up with the news! 🐙
Web: https://takodefi.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TakoDeFi
Official TG Group: https://t.me/TakoDeFi
Official TG Spanish Group https://t.me/TakoDefi_ES
Announcements Channel: https://t.me/TakoDeFiAnn
Price Bot Channel: https://t.me/BinanceRocketTAKO